Ocd In The Movie As Good As It Gets

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OCD: Character Comparison Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a psychological disease where the mind forces an individual to perform rituals. In the movie As Good as it Gets, Melvin Udall was an elderly man living in urban New York with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Melvin lived alone in an apartment, where many of his neighbors avoided him. The book Kissing Doorknobs showed another perspective on OCD, the main character, Tara was a teenage girl suffering from OCD. Tara lived in suburban Chicago with her mom, dad, and younger sister. Similarities in the symptoms of the two characters show how related many OCD cases are but also how broad the disease can be. Part of Melvin’s OCD is being germaphobic. Melvin always wore gloves and avoided contact with other people or animals. When he washed his hands, Melvin used a brand new bar of soap for each time he lathered his hands. Melvin would also lock the door five times every time he came home to make sure it was locked. Everyday …show more content…

Melvin stopped worrying about all of his rituals. He would forget the gloves or sit at a different table in the restaurant. Simon in the end stayed with Melvin, and Melvin forgot completely to lock his door. Melvin also mentioned at the end of the movie that Carol was the reason he takes his medicine. Tara talked to her therapist about taking medicine, but she never took it. Tara was treated with the help of Sam, who also struggled with OCD. Sam told her about his struggles and that she was not alone. Tara also used behavioral therapy to try and curve the rituals. She thought of circumstances that would set off her rituals and tried not to perform them. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can come in many different forms. It can control how people live their everyday lives, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. It can take months to years of behavioral therapy to stop it. Even then it is not gone for

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