Occupational Therapy Compliance Report

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Social Security was created in 1935 to help people with disabilities who could not help themselves by working to provide to their financial needs (King & Olson, 2014, p. 694). Before 1963, many people with mental disabilities were institutionalized, but after the Community Mental Health Centers Act was passed, a lot of mentally disabled patients of the institutions were released (Peloquin & Punwar, 200, p. 124). Since the local communities did not have resources to they were not able to help the mentally disabled, which many started to live on the streets (Peloquin & Punwar, 200, p. 125). In 1965, Medicare was created to help with services for people with disabilities along with other people. Medicare helped expand occupational therapy service …show more content…

698). Before that occupational therapist working in schools was rare (Rourk, 1996, p. 698). After the passing of the act, occupational therapists mostly worked with children who were blind, deaf, mentally disabled, or physically impaired (Rourk, 1996, p. 698). The act increased the amount of OTs working in schools because it funded agencies that provided education to children with disabilities (Rourk, 1996, p. 698). New concepts and practices were used by OTs which were a product of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Rourk, 1996, p. 698). A new act, Individuals with Disabilities Education, better changed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Rourk, 1996, p. 698). After the enactment of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, occupational therapy practice changed by incorporating the teachers, ------------------------------------------------ (Rourk, 1996, p.

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