Occupational Therapy Case Study

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1. What was your initial reaction to what the other disciplines thought you (OT) did? I was applauded to know that several individuals did not know what occupational therapy was or did. In my mind, occupational therapy is just as important profession as a social worker and a nurse; therefore, it was open eyeing when individuals did not know what our job description was. This goes to show that there is a big need to advocate for our profession. We need to increase awareness on what our profession entitles. This will help to enlighten individuals on how wonderful our profession is. 2. What was one of your strengths? One strength I displayed throughout the stimulation was communicating with my team members and being proactive when it was not my turn to assess the client. For instance, I charted vital signs while the nurse was assessing them. I continually asked if patient was still dizziness and if she still had pain. If so, I inquired where was it located and how the patient would rate it. Once, the social worker came back to keep assessing …show more content…

If I could re-do the stimulation, I would preplan what I am going to assess, say, and perform once in the room with the patient. I believe this would allow a better flow and a decrease in anxiety. Another weakness was being too cautions with the equipment in the room and asking the nurse of it is okay to move equipment. During the debriefing, I now understand that the patient’s room is just as much as our work space as it is the nurses. A final weakness I portray during the stimulation was not being confident in the assessment I was performing. I found myself looking my occupational therapist partner for recognition on if I was performing the assessment right. I believe confidence will come with experience and practice; however, I also believe that if I would have preplan, it would have helped in increase my confident levels with my administration of the

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