Obsessive-Addictive Disorders: Celebrity Worship Syndrome

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Celebrity worshiping has a major impact on one's physiological senses and general worldview. Looking into pop stars Beyonce’s fan base, shows a great example of CWS. Celebrity glorification seems to be at an all time high in today’s society. Celebrities seem to to be praised like Gods opposed public figures. After witnessing two people get into a heated debate that turned into a slight altercation over who was the best rapper. I decided to investigate a little deeper into this topic. After doing some research I came across a term called Celebrity Worship Syndrome or CWS which is an obsessive- addictive disorder. Defined as someone who is overly involved in a celebrity's life. This condition is more likely to be towards a celebrity who is an actor or music but authors, politicians, or journalists can be subjected to it as well. Research done by Dr. Lynn and her colleagues in the early 2000’s is where the term ‘celebrity worship’ was created. But I found that the ‘Celebrity Worship Syndrome wasn’t used until journalist James Chapman who did a report on “A Clinical Interpretation of Attitudes and …show more content…

Within the research it was discovered that celebrity worship is linked with poor mental health, that cause mental characteristics of neuroticism and disengagement. People are at high state of engaging in extreme celebrity worship. Depression, anxiety, and decreased self-esteem are all side effects from unhealthy celebrity worship. Drugs, alcohol, smoking, and eating disorders are also possible links. However another study have associated celebrity worship with more a psychological model based on absorption, which leaves to someone having delusions of real relationships with celebrities, and addiction, that causes an increasingly stronger need to feel a close bond with the

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