Obsession In The Great Gatsby And The Shadow Of The Wind

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Charles Darwin says that , “It is a cursed evil to any man to become as absorbed in any subject as [he] was in [his] life.” (SOURCE). Obsession often causes negative consequences, which in many cases can lead to destructive results. For example, in The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald and and The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon both novels explore and incorporate how an individual's obsession can often become their downfall, leading to their destruction. Both The Great Gatsby and The Shadows of the Wind demonstrate how an individual’s obsession can lead to their own destruction as well as those around them. In the novel, The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald, Jay’s obsessive love for Daisy and the need to win her over lead to Gatsby …show more content…

From Daniel’s extreme infatuation with Clara it leads him to isolate his only family. As Daniel spends more time with Clara he begins to segregate himself from the only family he has left, his father. (QUOTE TO PROVE HE IS NEVER HOME). Daniel is so in love with Clara that he chooses her over his father knowing that is his only family left. Daniel's father begins to pay less attention to him, proving that Daniels obsession is only leading to self - destruction. Next, Daniel’s love for Clara is so obsessive that it results in hurting him more than benefitting him. Daniel comes to terms with the matter that his love is only from one end and eventually he will be hurt. Daniel is too caught up in his relationship that he dismisses this and continues his obsession. The individuals around Daniel also try to tell him that he is going to be hurt by Clara. Bernada finds Daniel and tell him in regard of his obsession, “You don’t know anything about women, and this one is playing you like a cat with a canary” (46). . Bernadas harsh words help Daniel realize that him chasing Clara's love only is negative because he loves her in a way she will never love

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