Observing The Sabbath

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The word Sabbath is supposedly derived from the word sabat, meaning to stop or to cease. The theological meaning behind the purpose of the sabbath is that God rested after his six days of creation The Sabbath is a day for religious observance and also a time to take a break from work. A person who observes the Sabbath is to not do any work on that day. It is a time to worship God and to focus on your faith. But the observance of Jewish Sabbath and Christian Sabbath is different. Jews observe the Sabbath from Friday night to Saturday night, while Christians observe the Sabbath on Sunday. They are relatively the same in ways of observance, but there are a few key differences. According to the ten commandments, the sabbath for both Jews and Christians started on the same day. It started on the seventh day of the week: Saturday. As said in the Bible …show more content…

I think that a lot of people do work on the Sabbath and do not take time to praise God. Sundays are really busy days around Tulsa where almost everything is open, so people are often doing work on Sundays. There are many church services available which is good. I think what we can do to improve is to take time out of our schedules to make time for God throughout the day of the Sabbath, not only the one hour that it takes to go to Mass. The Sabbath is the Lord’s day, not just the Lord’s hour. We should give him more time throughout the day. I think this is something that we can learn from the Jewish faith. They spend a full 25 hours thinking and praying to God. They discuss their holy book and talk with each other about their faith. I think that they practise the Shabbat very well, because they make God a full priority in their lives. I do believe that there are some people who do this in Tulsa, but I feel like everyone could benefit with more time set aside specifically to talk to God and speak about your faith with

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