Observation Of Maria Montessori

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The third point that Maria Montessori observed in children through her research was that children should be able to choose their own materials and learn at their own pace. If children choose their own materials they get a sense of independence. It also shows that children are able to choose an activity that they feel competent to succeed in. When children show that they are competent to chose an activity it shows that, that child has a healthy mind. When children choose their activity they will learn that activity at their own pace. For example, if a child is putting together a puzzle he/or she will take the time to distinguish the shapes, pictures, and colors that go together. Every child is different each child will learn at different paces and it is perfectly ok. Some children will be more literate than others, so the job for the teacher …show more content…

Montessori decided to defeat the odds when she decided to join medical school in Rome, Italy and went as far as to have her dad walk her from class to class because women couldn’t roam the streets on their own. Her innovation is really something all young women should look up to. In a time like today we as young women have a wrong perspective of what women should be or do, and Montessori really inspired me because she was the perfect example that it’s ok to be different. Montessori also interested me because she was so motivated to make a difference in education that she gave up her personal life. She refused to marry because in that time it would mean she would have to be a domesticated house wife. She also had to give up what she strived in her life the most which was her child. To me that shocked me but in a good way because that just showed how far she was willing to go to further help the future children of the world. Even if she wasn’t with her child she was helping in ways to further his and his future children’s

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