Observation Essay On Hip Hop

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Listen to any pop radio station and soon enough, one will hear Iggy Azalea’s distinctive and unmistakable rapping, using, what has starting being referred to as her “blaccent”. Azalea has been under fire, especially after winning her first Grammy, for her vocals that resemble more of a voice of an African-American female rather than a style from her original birthplace, Australia. Many critics reject Azalea and believe she is placing herself in a culture she doesn’t belong in. For years, the hip-hop scene has been dominated by the African-American race. In today’s world, with people having access to almost any and all types of music, hip-hop has become commercialized to appeal to masses much larger and more diverse than just the African-American scene. In this paper, I will be discussing the tendency of society to generalize certain behaviors and styles to certain races. Too often, people today are criticizing others for not acting the way one of a certain race is expected to act. It is a controversy created by ignorance towards our growing and evolving world. Although I have conducted both an interview report and an observation report, neither of them will be methods that I use in this paper. The interview report was beneficial in a way that it allowed me to see into a different perspective of music appreciation. With the observation …show more content…

In this chapter, Warikoo focuses mainly on youths’ tendency to determine one’s taste in music and style based off of his or her ethnicity. Warikoo interviewed youth of different ethnicities, trying to understand the presumed tie between ethnicity and tastes, and why phrases like “acting Black” are used when a non-Black youth listen, dance, and dress to the hip-hop and R&B style and music usually associated with the African-American culture. In this chapter, she determines from her research

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