Nursing Scholarship Essay

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As a child, I have always had a yearning inside me to help others. From flushing my older brother’s frog down the toilet to stop him from chasing my sister, who was terrified of the animal, to cleaning up human waste when that person can’t make it to the bathroom. My job is what’s preparing me for my future. My future, hopefully, will include a college graduation with a nursing diploma in my hand. Being a nurse, requires a person to be patient, hard-working, attentive, friendly, as well as many other skills to succeed in the medical field. Schizophrenia, dementia, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and blindness are all diseases that are placed before me every time I punch in my time card. All these disorders are all for a single person in my life (for confidentiality sake) let’s call her Jo. Every day …show more content…

We bring light into her confusing, hard life. There are times where she struggles with the basics of life, turning on the T.V., making food, and even changing her clothes, but even in those struggles she has one of us by her side to give her comfort, support, and guidance. Caregiving helped me realize even though I help others, the job isn't always going to be rainbows and butterflies. Bathing an old naked lady and scrubbing a disgusting bathroom, covered from sink to floor to toilet to wall in excrement, are all parts of the job. Even these times are enjoyable. Why? Not because I can help her, but because she can help me. Because, sometimes, after the spells of anxiety or dementia or schizophrenia are over she realizes how crazy she seemed. Sometimes, she apologizes. Sometimes, she laughs at herself. Sometimes, she ignores what happened. Sometimes, she feels ashamed. But the other times, the other times she doesn’t realize her mistakes, and that is when the person you know becomes a zombie, lost for the day. Even on these dazed days she puts a smile on to hide her

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