Nursing Personal Statement

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I am writing this personal statement and it is quite hard to put into words why I want to take nursing as a qualification and a long term profession. At my age who knows what they want to do for the rest of their working life. All I know is that I have an inner feeling which is set around helping and caring for others, which I strongly believe nursing will offer me the ability to achieve my aspirations in life. In my view nurses are the unsung heroes; they are always there to help care for people when they are sick and in need of someone’s help. My dad has worked in health and social care for many years and I have always been interested his stories (some very sad stories of the impact of bad care and some happy stories too), they have inspired …show more content…

I strongly believe that nursing is not only a profession but is a way of life which can be translated into any culture or sector of the world. Nurses are not only needed in the UK, they are needed globally and one of my ambitions in life is to travel the world and to care for sick people. This will mean I can put my learning into practice in disadvantaged countries where they don’t have the same opportunities and high standards of education in the nursing profession. It is well known that there is a nursing shortage in the UK and I believe that this will give me an opportunity to gain valuable experience which will also allow me to build a good career pathway within either the NHS or health care sector. I am studying a BTEC which has helped me understand how the public and NHS sector operates and I have gained a range of skills which I believe are transferable to the nursing role. Such as the importance of good time management, how to meet deadlines, working under pressure, communicating with not only my classmates but with lecturers too, and why punctuality is so crucial within the work

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