Nursing Is Important And The Future Of Nursing

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Nursing is a balance of professional qualities like caring, ethics and competencies. Science and technology are weaved in to provide safe practices for now and in the future. In the following paragraphs; I define what a professional is in my opinion along with how I came to find myself in the nursing program, how research is important and the past and the future of nursing. A nursing career was not even on my radar when I was younger. I knew of no one that was in the healthcare field and had no experiences related, besides being on the receiving end as a patient. Becoming a nurse was a concept that developed over time for me. I was fortunate in being able to care for my three children at home without the worries of juggling a job or placing them in daycare. This experience I will cherish forever. Somehow these cute little blond headed babies grew up and I found myself alone during the days. It was time, I needed to …show more content…

Nursing is the balance between art and science. Caring is an important aspect that patients expect but also is knowledge in current practices. Integrating current practices into care improves quality outcomes. Evidence-based practice is the best approach in planning care for patients, it is the basis for proven, factual outcomes that we expect. Experience and personal opinions are great assets but are not sound ideals to provide safe and effective care. Evidence-based practice uses clinical judgment with selective research to deliver the most effective, cost-efficient outcomes (Wilkinson et al., 2014). Standards are held to the highest of quality, helping to reduce or eliminate errors. Standardizing healthcare to science and evidence-based practice helps to reduce variations among facilities (Stevens, 2013). All healthcare professionals need to adopt this practice in order for its success. With more participation, quality of care increases, the patient is the core

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