Nuclear Attack Persuasive Essay

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Imagine you are in your car in heavy traffic. It a normal day just like any other day when you are listening to the radio when it starts making a terrifying sound. You think it’s a test you think there can’t be any bad weather on this gorgeous Sunday night. Then you here the man on the radio say “the united states of America is under attack”. “Seek shelter eminently”. When all of a sudden a siren different from the tornado siren goes off. You know it can only be one thing… a nuclear attack. In August 1945 the United States dropped two atomic or nuclear bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The U.S have tried to stay away from dropping nuclear bombs but in this year of 2015, we might declare war on Russia because the U.S have sent unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV`s) to Syria this year. But Russia shot them down frequently. We also have to note that Russia has over 1,000 nuclear bombs. And scientists say only 100 nukes could exterminate the entire human race. So you might need a plan of survival. …show more content…

Could also use an abandon subway tunnel. Also need to remember that it is critical that you need to go back to the surface feculent to look for supplies, so the best accommodation yourself of others could use would be an abandon nuclear missile silo. This would be the best choice because of the space and the steel doors that you could easily walk out of. Plus if someone was stranded they could see it a mile away, and it would be in a less populated area which is good because of thieves who would kill for

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