Not So Modest

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The introduction of “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift will turn out to be not so modest. Swift divides his thesis into two parts. The first part of his proposal is an outlandish idea of using human babies for food. The theory behind this is the Irish have enough children around to supplement their lack of food. In the second part he will unveil his true intentions, which is, for the English to help out the poor Irish people. Swift uses different technics throughout his proposal to get the attention of the English. He begins by getting them to believe they have common interests. Secondly, he introduces an idea that is not feasible because it is so grotesque. Finally his true reason, which is, helping the poor. Swift makes a strong point in the descriptions of his essay making it very effective.
The time in which this all took place and the author’s background play an important role in understanding this proposal. During the 18th century, the English and Irish were in the midst of a political, economic, and religious struggle. One of the biggest obstacles was the Catholi...

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