North Korean Prison Camps: Kim Jong Ill

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your freedoms taken away? To not be able to say what you think, or do what you want. Well, believe it or not in the country of North Korea there are people that experience those kinds of limits every day along with the cruelty of being starved, beaten, and worked to death. These harsh conditions are found within prison camps that were set up by previous leaders Kim Ill Sung, and Kim Jong Ill after the Korean War. These camps were originally created to capture political traitors along with scare North Korean people into being fully committed to the regime. Today, the current leader Kim Jong-Un has still continued the prison camps and has taken it to the extreme of capturing any North Korean …show more content…

The reason she ended up in such a cruel place was simply because she was friends with the women who was allegedly having an affair with the leader at the time Kim Jong Ill (Meredith). That not only forced her to be put to such cruel punishment but also her close family, because in North Korea they have a strong ‘guilt by association’ policy which means the family of the accused gets punished along with the person who committed the crime. She was put in the camp of Yodok and witnessed many horrifying things including people eating rats that they found crawling around the camp, along with people eating the corpses of younger children that died of hunger. There were also many other cruel things that happened such as rape, and abortion because the pregnant women did not want their children to be born in such harsh …show more content…

This commission is focused on trying to save the humanity of the North Korean people. Before the abuse of human rights came up within North Korea, international attention was focused on trying to stop the nuclear weapons that were being developed there. Now, after hearing these firsthand accounts and seeing satellite imagery of the amount of land that these camps take up, the attention has shifted. The United Nations Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights has tried to get the North Korean government to agree to have them come in and investigate, but they are holding back. Although there are efforts being made from the outside world, nothing can actually be accomplished unless North Korea takes

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