North And South Differences

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The North and South emerged as two distinct reasons because they had various differences. The differences they have are geography, economy, transportation, and society. Geography always depended on its climate; in the South they had lots of swamps and rivers, in the North they had lots of mountains and uneven surfaces. The geography affected its economy because it limited them on what they could and could not do. In the North they had lots of cities and less outdoor work however, in the south it all depended on agriculture. Other and final reason is that transportation in the North was significantly improved and more successful than the South. The geography was the main part of the whole country, South and North. One of the most outstanding differences between the North and the South was the climate and geography. Southern regions had very swampy land, lots of rivers with coastal plains, and hills with mountain hollows. Having swamps and coastal plains meant they had very hot days but, it also meant lots of rains. The weather they had allowed them to plant rice, tobacco, indigo, corn, etc. The north had frozen winters but hot summers; nevertheless their weather was mainly always cold. Its geography was made of rocky soil, mountains, and harbors which made them more a city type of place. …show more content…

This is a reason why the South and North have various differences in their economy. In the South everything was mainly based off of agriculture that is a vast motive why everyone owned a farm. Nevertheless, only the well-off people had outsized farms and slaves while others had undersized farms with no slaves. On the other hand the North was based on hand made work and machines, with most work done indoors. In this region of the country the well-off people had businesses of making cotton cheaper and easier to sale. Yet the south was still wealthier because of the way they ran

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