Non-Violence: The Most Successful Movements

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Throughout the history of the world, there have been many fights, movements, and wars. The thing about these, though, is not all can be successful. Now, we can look back in history to all of these disputes and find that the most successful movements are missing one thing- violence. This has been shown through leaders such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr, and Mahatma Gandhi. Even though these great leaders live in vastly different locations, that one missing tactic helped each achieve their own goals. Non-violence as a tactic has historically been successful, but a few things are required in order to make it work. Complete submission, unity (through the leaders), and respect for their enemies are just a few things that helped them achieve their goals. When you say ‘non-violent’, you might only …show more content…

But you would never think that such a large group of people could agree on not fighting back whatsoever. If you are being arrested, beaten, or even being prepared to be shot in the head, participants in the movement weren’t allowed to fight back. At all. The three major leaders who used the non-violence tactic made it crystal clear that if your purpose was to be violent to the enemy, that you didn’t have a place in the movement they were leading. Document 5 gives a good example of this; it says that Martin Luther King Jr. would ask for volunteers, but would not accept any that didn’t agree to the idea of no violence at all. “We proved that we had the most formidable weapon of all- the conviction that we were right”. This quote (also from Document 5) shows that the leaders of the Civil Rights movement would refuse to take on anyone who would be

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