Non Fiction In Fahrenheit 451

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Fiction has inspired people to great things. Create things that people did not think possible. Fiction stories help create the imagination of children to grow up and do great things. In the novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury portrays when a society censors reading and literature people become very narrow minded. Even though non-fiction shows real world problems, fiction allows people to expand their creativity, does not limit the expression through literature, and makes them fall in love with reading. Literature is a gateway for people to expand their knowledge and learn new things. It gives us a sense of our self’s when we are able to travel to different places by just sitting in one place. But school boards and education leaders think that fiction will limit our …show more content…

Education leaders are pushing schools to make students read more non-fiction in English class. They say that students don’t have any non-fiction skills but all schools require history classes. On a constant bases we are reading non-fiction information and comparing it to the real world. In my experience every time we compare history to the times now we realize that we have been messing up for a long time. But we also learn that the greatest minds in history got ideas from things that did not exist. Even during the time that books did not exist humans told fictional stories around a fire. In the same article by Neil Gaiman he states that, “The simplest way to make sure that we raise literate children is to teach them to read, and to show them that reading is a pleasurable activity. And that means, at its simplest, finding books that they enjoy, giving them access to those books, and letting them read them.” So you have to let them read fiction. Fiction will drive them to fall in love with reading. If they fall in love with it then they are able to be more literate and expand their imagination. When if only reading non-fiction they won’t be able

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