Nobody's Perfect: A Story For Children About Perfectism

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Emma struggles with trusting herself in front of the entire class. Because of this, she is not able to prove that she can in fact read fluently to the class. Emma’s current academic goal would be, “Given reading passages at the fifth-grade level, Emma will read fluently.” In order for one to reach this, the student must recognize these three things. First, how to improve their self-esteem. Second, it is okay to fail. Third, to try their best and do it proudly no matter how unique they feel. It seems as though the issue does not fall in the child’s ability to read, but instead, their ability to speak up. This can reach across the entire population of the classroom. Students, children and even adults will feel inferior to others and in return …show more content…

After as a class, a discussion will be held to discuss the feeling related to these comments. The teacher can write those feelings on the board so the students can realize how much they care about each other. The second lesson of this topic would be the fact that it is okay to fail. This lesson is centered around the story Nobody’s Perfect: A Story for Children About Perfectionism by Ellen Flanagan Burns. This story fights against perfectionism and teaches kids that is in fact okay to fail. With this book comes an activity that can become quite personal. The students will be asked to start a journal. In this journal they may add some of their concerns with failure and how they will battle it. The final lesson is on the topic to always try your best, do it proudly and relish in your uniqueness. For this final lesson, the student will watch a short Disney clip called Partly Cloudy which does in fact show the kids that being different is okay. Sometimes it is nice to stand out, and be proud of who you are. This three-day session may take up a few days of learning, but it is definitely worth it as the students become more comfortable with who they

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