Noah's Ark Research Paper

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Noah’s Ark Noah’s Ark is a story in the Bible. This story can be found in Genesis 5:32-10:1. Noah is a follower of Christ. He followed what God said and he was obedient to Him. “Noah’s family survived with Noah, and Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark.” Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives were in the ark, so that means eight people were in the ark, and they stayed and listened to Noah instead of questioning him. In the ark, no human being was born during the flood.

A lot of people question why there was a flood, well there was a flood because there was wickedness upon the earth that means that people were wicked and evil. The flood covered the entire earth. Noah warned the people that there was going to be a flood. God told Noah instructions. In Genesis 6:14 it says ”Make for …show more content…

The ark was found at 1,300 feet on Mt. Ararat, in Eastern Turkey. “It is buried under ice and volcanic rocks.” In Genesis 8:4 it says “4 Then the ark rested in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat.” I think Noah’s ark is real, because I know the Bible says it and, I think that's the ark. Besides the verse says it all.

I don't agree with Bill Nye’s speech because he said it’s impossible to build an ark that fit 14,008 people/animals in the ark when the ark was three hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits, and with God everything is possible. He said that the people were unskilled and that they've never built a ship before. Well, that's why God gave him instructions. Ken Ham just said that he can’t prove that the Bible is real you just have to have faith. I agree with Ken Ham, not just because he’s a Christian, but because he read the Bible and he knows what he's talking about. Unlike Bill Nye that he has no clue what he’s

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