No Wonder They Call Me A B. H. By Ann Hodgman Summary

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Ann Hodgman’s essay “No Wonder They Call Me a B@#*H” is about an experiment when Hodgman ate canned and dry dog food. When she was a young girl, she always wondered if dogs’ food tasted like humans’ food. Since the food was so bad, Hodgman understood why her dogs’ breath smelled so bad. Companies that make dog food advertise real meats in the food, but sadly it is just poultry by-products. Therefore, dog food it is made from parts of an animal, not the animals’ meat. Hodgman explains that the different dog foods were either hard, soft, noncook able, or unpleasant to the eye. Dogs eat different foods as they grow; therefore, Hodgman tried every stage of dog food, and each looked and tasted different. Treats for dogs taste better; just like treats

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