Nine Inch Nails 'Best Rock Song Hurt' By Johnny Cash

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In 1995 “Hurt” was released by Nine Inch Nails on the album “The Downward Spiral”. The song was written by Trent Reznor and was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Rock Song in 1996. In 2002 Johnny Cash recorded a cover of that same song which quickly became an ode to his life and death. The two versions of the song, much like the artists who provide the versions, are completely different yet, still the same. The song takes on new meaning when performed by Johnny Cash, however, it still retains the same connotation. Both Reznor and Cash have been in a place where they can relate to each other as people and as artists, this song was their way of sharing that with the world. It just proves that music across genres can speak to different people. …show more content…

The reality is that it means something different to everyone, but the underlying tone is a song written from a dark place about pain. The song opens with one minute of distorted machine sound, it then transitions into a slow building (1:11) where the drums eventually come in with a strong beat (1:59) that gives the song a feeling of angst and guilt. The distorted electric guitar reappears (2:30) using the technology of the time to create a raspy and sinister sound. The song begins and ends with the buzz of an amp that feels empty and hollow as if reflecting on the emotions of the artist. His voice is soft and whispered and almost creates the imagery of the voices or demons in your …show more content…

The most obvious similarity between them is the lyrics. The lyrics are all but identical except that Johnny Cash removed the profanity from his cover. The song structure is also the same, it is a contrasting verse-chorus form. The music is performed on a minor scale that portrays the heartache, mourning, and despair that we have come to associate with those notes. Nine Inch Nails and Johnny Cash both perform the song remarkably well, but they are just so different that it almost doesn’t seem fair to compare them. They don’t even fit into the same

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