Nikola Tesla's Mistakes

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Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more (Nikola Tesla). Tesla is the inventor of modern day electricity and with his contribution to the world we have the very thing that I enjoy so much. This is one of my favorite quotes in the world because it holds a lot of meaning to me all my life I would try new things and I like every other kid the first time I would fail. I would get frustrated and my parents would tell me after every failure there is always success. Them telling me this has made me the great person I am today and I thank them every day. Now that you all know a little about my past I will tell you how I got into loving electrical work. When I was in middle school the guidance counselors started to tell us we had to start thinking about our future I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life. Then I thought I was going to become a cook I loved cooking at the time and it was challenging. Then one day my dad asked for my help he just needed me to hold the light while he worked so I started to watch what he was doing at it looked so cool. I kept asking him questions about how the stuff worked and …show more content…

Almost all of the light fixtures in his shop had bad ballasts so i found the box of new ballasts and I started to replace them when I was done the shop went from looking like a murder scene to a doctor's office. This summer another one of my Uncles was remodeling his house so when re finished all the wood working I went in and replaced all the lights and receptacles. He also got a heat pump furnace that my dad showed me what to do because I have never worked with a furnace before and I did exactly that and it ended up being

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