Nicole Russel's Argument Analysis

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In an article done by Nicole Russel, she seeks to analyze two main things, one, that allowing every person who claims they are transgender into the bathroom of their choice is potentially a hazardous and dangerous situation and two that while people think they are fighting for equality of all, but are actually fighting for equality of transgender people, which is pushing rights of everyone else to the side. The following is her arguments. She stresses that most transgender people are basing these arguments off of feelings rather than facts. Russel will end her arguments by asking her readers to question whether its right exchange one group of peoples comfort for another's. are we treating both trangender and nontransgender people equally. And …show more content…

And for the predators that go as far as pretending to be transgender to have access and availiability to use the restrooms giving them ample opportunity to prey on the innocent women and children. Triller uses three different men as examples to back her claims up. she list Jason pomare, a 33 year old man from California who dressed up in a wig, bra,womens clothing and “appeared” to look as those he had breast. Pomare stored a video device in his purse and had several hours of recorded video from the womens bathroom. Norwood Burnes, a 51 year old male fro Calhoun was arrested after being caught ordering women our of the bathrooms. Burnes was dressed in a womens suit,high heels,nail polish and womens jewlary and would attempt to take his clothes off infront of women and children. taylor buehler 18 who was found in a womens college bathroom dressed in a bra and wig. Beuhler had followed two women into the bathroom unknowningly. When caught beuhler said he was just there to use the bathroom facilites but later told officers he had used the womens bathroom for sexual gratification. Triller uses these examples of men disploiting women to show arrogance of not having bathroom laws everywher you go. Triller ask her readers, just as russel did. Are we to put hundreds of thousands of women and childrens safetly at risk for a small amount of transgender people. haver specificly admits that she knows that not all true transgender people are predators. but that predators will do anything and everything to have this access to take advantage of people. haver expresses that giving them their own bathroom is more then fair and no one has to get hurt just because of a decision was made so that people could use a restroom for the sex they want

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