Nicholas Winton Kinder Transport Research Paper

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The Winton Kinder Transport “You begin saving the world by saving one person at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.” ― Charles Bukowski. Grit means using perseverance, passion, and courage even when faced with what seems like the impossible. Sir Nicholas George Winton is known as the British Shindler because of his deeds to help Czechoslovakia children during World War two. Nicholas Winton was eventually knighted by Queen Elizabeth after everyone learned his story. For half a century Nicholas Winton never said a word about what he had done. Nicholas Winton used perseverance, passion, and courage to overcome the challenges of getting those children to safety. To begin with, Nicholas Winton used perseverance to overcome his …show more content…

Firstly, Nicholas Winton began to make permits for the children to enter Britain after the Home Office failed to do so quickly enough. For instance, Beitz Henry E, Author, online source, quotes Nicholas Winton saying “Officials at the Home Office worked very slowly with the entry visas, we went to them urgently asking for permits, only to be told languidly, ‘why rush, old boy? Nothing will happen in Europe, ’this was a few months before the war broke out” (Beitz). Thus, Nicholas Winton was so passionate about saving the children he would not allow anyone to slow him down. Secondly, Nicholas Winton was passionate about saving as many children as he could. For example, Beitz Henry, Author, Online source, tells us that “Winton was not thinking in small numbers but of thousands of children”. Therefore, Nicholas Winton was passionate about saving as man children as possible. Thirdly, Winton’s passion to save the children meant he went as far as advertising and putting up their pictures all around Britain. For instance, Beitz Henry, author, online source, tells us that Winton would advertise in British newspapers, churches and synagogues; he would put the children’s pictures all over Britain in hopes to convince sponsors on foster family to help the children. Hence, Nicholas Winton showed incredible passion in getting those kids sponsors and family to take them in. For all these reasons, Nicholas Winton showed great passion when working to save those

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