Nicholas Carr's Essay 'Is Google Making USupid'

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Isn't it ironic, all these people living in this technologically sophisticated age, (where information is abundant and services and apps are literally at ones fingertips) have everything they can possibly imagine except privacy, a God-given right? The idea of privacy and its importance has diminished in recent history. We no longer know who is watching, tracking, or stalking us, nor do we seem to care. It has become normal to us and we do not try to avoid it. "Our children are accustomed to electronic surveillance as part of their daily lives" (Turkle 39). People give out their credit card numbers and social security numbers online like candy on Halloween. Computers and the creation and advancement of the internet are not only changing the …show more content…

In this fast-paced and hectic life, people have developed a desire for "Instant gratification" which essentially means that people get what they want, and they get it in an instant. Google has proven to be one of our greatest tools in accomplishing this. In Nicholas Carr's essay, "Is Google Making Us Stupid", he explains the convenience of this search engine, "Research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes. A few Google searches, some quick clicks on hyperlinks, and I've got the telltale fact or pithy quote I was after" (Carr 46). Research is a way for people to learn how to learn, but Google is making learning too easy. There is no challenge in trying to find and learn information. Anything you need to know is literally one click away. But is Google making us stupid, or is it making us lazy? "The more pieces of information we can 'access' and the faster we can extract their gist, the more productive we become as thinkers" (Carr 51). Everything comes fast and easy, and people seem to think this will expand the knowledge we can obtain. We now expect information to find us. We think we can type in whatever need into the Google search bar and we will be provided with links to the knowledge de desire. Google is making us lazy and this has major repercussions. Just as I was too lazy to go to the store to make my purchase or even pay with actual cash. I could not be bothered. Paying online with a card and then having the item delivered is just too convenient, but this convenience caused a breach in my own privacy, and a loss of my own

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