Nicholas Carr The Shallows Analysis

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In The Shallows, Nicholas Carr asks what the Internet is doing to our brains? He investigates the impact that the technological world we live in has on us. We are seeing a technical and information revolution with the Internet but he says that it is primarily a revolution in our brains! He explains that we used to read quietly and linearly a book on which we were able to focus our undivided attention. This could last for hours, we could immerse in the singular world of an author. Now look what happens when you connect to the Internet. You jump from one page to another, click on links here and there, and meanwhile you are also bombarded with messages, sometimes alert informing you that you received an email or a recent news update. What is happening to our minds? How has this electronic environment changed our mental state, our social behavior? Soon we won’t be able to focus more than minutes on a text. Our brain, which is incredibly plastic, adapts quickly to new technology and their new temptations. He explores the advantages and disadvantages of these changes on our minds. Nicholas Carr asks a fundamental question: what new world have we created? In a …show more content…

They make us stop and think about technology. What exactly is technology, how it evolves, and how it affects our lives. They provide some insight into a world that we increasingly stop questioning, as attested by the lines formed in front of stores every time a new product is released, a world that has become a second nature. In my opinion, the advantages and the possibilities technology offers outweighs its downside. Every time a new technology is introduced in society it seems to stir up the same debate. First people are skeptical and soon they will forget, as they will adapt. In a near future, the next hot issue might be artificial intelligence and the introduction of robots in our daily lives. We are more than ever dependent on technology and it’s here to

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