Nicholas Carr The Mind Changer Summary

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The Mind Changer In Nicholas Carr’s article “ From The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains” he states that something in him is changing. Carr repeats, “That someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain...” (Carr par. 2). Carr cites these changes through being fidgety and being able to lose focus more easily. He goes on to state that he believes that it is due to spending so much time online. Being online is a key necessity for his job as a journalist, and has made his life much easier. Carr describes the internet as his main source for information, as he uses it for the news and for e-mails. However, Carr then dives in to tell us how the Net can shape us. Since it is our main source of news, the Net can shape how we think. He says that we want to receive information the way the Net distributes it, in a fast ever flowing stream. This is the reason why Carr contributes his lack of focus to the Net. Carr is not the only person …show more content…

Too often you will go into a restaurant and see a whole family sitting at a table just looking at their phones with a very limited amount of conversation. I have seen it with my friends when we go out to eat. There have been times where everyone is so busy on their phones that they won’t even answer the waiter. Technology in our modern world is also making us lazy in what we do. This idea is presented in the article, “ If a Time Traveller Saw a Smartphone”. In this article Tim Wu states, “Take away our tools, the argument goes, and we’re likely stupider than our friend from the early twentieth century” (Wu par. 5). We may appear smarter with our smartphone, but let me ask you this. How many times have you checked a simple math problem on your calculator or smartphone? I know that personally, I am guilty of this. We rely on our smartphones for so much that we could all benefit from taking a step back and examining who we are without

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