New Jersy-Personal Narrative

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July 28 the jurnee is harder than I thot it would be. I thot that the jurnee wood be kwik and easeer then deelin with Dr Nemur bein grouchee. I want to go back. I want to go back to New York but evrywun hates me. Miss Kinnian even cried when she saw me. she must hate me beecaws who cries when they see sumwun they liek. I bet they even got a more better janiter at Donegan's Plastic Box Company so even if I do go back ill be out of work. maybee they secretly don't hate me and want me to come back. but who wood luv me enuff to want to see me. or spend time with me. If my own mom cudnt love me then how cud anywun else. I miss Algernon to but im never gonna see her again beecaws shes ded. Algernon was a very good frend. even tho she was a mouse. maybee they all will be hapee to see me again. maybee I will go back. …show more content…

there wus a sine that sayd WELCUM TO NEW JERSY so I shuld be. I dont think I speld New Jersy rite. I feel liek I dont spel nuthin rite anymoor. I really want to be smart again. mainlee beecaws evrywun in New Jersy notises me. I dont want them to notis me. I dont want to be notisd. I dont want there simpathee. most of all I dont want to be made fun of. even tho evrywun hates me in New York they only laffd at me a littel bit. evrywun in New York laffd with me. evrywun in New Jersy laffs at me. evrywun in New Jersy luvs to make fun of me. I miss the good old days in New York. I miss getting laffd at only a little bit. I miss laffing with people. I miss Miss Kinnian and Joe Carp and Frank Reilly and Dr Strauss and Burt and even grumpy Dr Nemur. but most of all I miss Algernon. Algernon was my bestest frend in the hole wide

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