New Deal Dbq

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For the Better
The Great Depression affected the United States economics deeply, resulting in a huge downturn in the economy. After the stock market crashed many U.S. citizens panicked and the aftermath of that was many citizens were left without jobs. The Great Depression affected everyone somehow poorly and it couldn’t get any worse than it was already. President Hoover believed that the people were supposed to work together to overcome these hard times. But until Roosevelt came to charge and presented the New Deal, there seemed to be no light in this Great Depression. It was inevitable for the New Deal to come to action and for things to finally turn around.
For several years (1929-1939) American citizens were laid off, since countless of companies had a decline in consumers purchasing, leading to their investments to drop as well. In this dire situation mostly everyone ran to the banks asking for loans but this only lasted for about a year, till the banks closed their doors. …show more content…

To further prove their meager thoughts on him, they made the poorly towns named after him, and named newspapers over him. Therefore when the time for elections came, and Roosevelt won by a landslide it wasn’t any surprise. “In early 1933 nation needed immediate relief, recovery from economic collapse… became Franklin D. Roosevelt`s goals when he took the helm as president.” 2 Soon after he won the election he began to create programs to efficiently help the society in their situation. These programs were later known as the New Deal. The New Deal programs helped ease the hardships of the Great Depression, banks started reopening, and jobs were opening up. “One of the most striking benefits of the New Deal was that it restored the confidence of a deeply discouraged population.”3 The economy finally seemed to turn for the better; well it really couldn’t get any

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