New Brooklyn Economy

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In the article “Is the “New” Brooklyn Economy For Real? By Adam Bonislawski, Ashely Zelinskie states in “The Active Space” we are considered comparable to Lichens that flourish in harsh bare environments. We come into this new open space known as Brooklyn and we settled and changed everything about the setting, making it our own taste. We rent out the cheapest places we can find and with that we start finding our passion. We built coffee shops, bars, vintage stores etc. the neighbor becomes “hip”, and this culture draws people with more money to this community. The more the people spend money the more the community grows and we forget the local resident and how the place use to be. We took over Brooklyn and this is known as gentrification. …show more content…

Hiram states that “Development and expansion are tightly interlocked. They make each other possible” (Jacobs 43). Developments starts with a generality which then creates new generality from differentiate and it replicates which leads to expansion. Development is a “qualitative change” (Jacobs 15) it is the “differentiation emerging from generality” “differentiations become generalities from which further differentiation emerge” (Jacobs 16-17). It is an open ended process in which is complex and diverse. This process then repeats itself continuously. All developments depend on co-developments. Without depending on each other that will be no development. Example is that a delta can’t be a delta without co-development of water and grit. Predators and prey has learned to cooperate and co-develop to survive whether they to or not to keep the cycle alive known as interdependency. An excellent example of develop and expansion is “Our remote ancestor started developing tools and weapons with nothing that was their own making. They began with found generalities…provided by development in the rest of nature: sticks , stones, bones…differentiated those found generalities into hammers, spears, scrapers…as one development led to another into... and so on” (Jacobs 24). The more differentiation then leads to more generalities that lead to further differentiation; it’s a cycle that keeps repeating with a basic

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