Never Getting Give You Up Analysis

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Rough Draft #2
In 1987, Rick Astley released the song “Never Gonna Give You Up,” which became a number one hit all over the world. Almost 20 years later, this song and music video remains well recognized among Internet users due to meme known as “rickrolling.” A meme can be best described as a popular form of expression in the form of emails, chat messages, and hyperlinks on the internet (Gil). Generally, they’re meant for laughs; however, they can also be used to create controversy, teach a lesson, or create interest in a subject. (Gil). Rickrolling resembles an April Fool’s joke, where a user will notice a video link to something that sounds too good to be true. In numerous cases, it will be a movie trailer that hasn’t been released yet or
Most often, it appears that people can be hurt and harassed by memes. “Scumbag Steve” happens to be another popular image macro character that shows a young man wearing a T-shirt, oversized jacket, and a sideways baseball cap while standing in a doorway. A quick internet search shows the type of character Steve portrays as one caption states “TAKES DATE TO TACO BELL…MAKES HER PAY.” Another one says “DON’T WORRY BRO. I’LL PAY YOU…TOMORROW.” The character’s real name is Blake Boston, and the famous image had been taken by his mother years ago, which he had uploaded to his My Space account. Blake explains his story in a back and forth interview with Know Your Meme called “Q&A with Blake Boston (Scumbag Steve).” Blake admits that at first he had found it amusing when he began seeing the ideas people were coming up with. However, soon he and his family members would start getting phone calls and messages accusing him of racism. Blake also admits in the interview that he would receive threats to his unborn child after he had posted an ultrasound online. It would seem as if people were affected by a fictional character and attack Blake once they discovered his real

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