Never Compromise The Value Of A Person

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Never Compromise The Value Of A Person

Unfortunately, things have to get so bad, so painful, or so out of control for most us before we realize how important it is to honor and value ourselves consistently in every moment, situation, and relationship.

For those of us who never learned to love ourselves and for those of us who often feel inadequate, insecure, undeserving, or unworthy of love, we will constantly abandon and betray ourselves for the love of others to the point where we repeatedly find ourselves in situations and relationships where we feel used, unappreciated, valueless or worthless to those around us as well as to ourselves.

"When you start compromising yourself or your morals for the people around you, it 's probably time to change the people around you." - Anonymous

Do you think you should not change anything about your personality for the people around you? It sounds so true, but then what 's wrong with compromising yourself a little for the people around you?

Don 't compromise even if it hurts to be yourself. If you have principles, nothing should push you to change them no matter what the consequences are. We are not actually victims in any way, because we’re the ones who have compromised ourselves for the conditional love, acceptance, approval, attention, and support of other people and thus can change this self-destructive pattern. If we look at ourselves, most of us will see that we often do not honor and value what we truly think, feel, want and need, because we’re afraid of, we don’t know how to or we don’t feel that we deserve to. In other words, we all compromise ourselves to varying degrees on a daily basis just to “keep the peace” and to avoid confrontation.

Some of us compromise ourselves in eve...

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...low self esteem. People often complain about their problems without doing anything about it. Realize what your flaws and fix them. Even the best people out there have flaws. It is all these things put together that makes you, you. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, embrace who you are and find that satisfaction in yourself. You have your own instincts. If something does not feel right, if you feel like you are not being yourself or if you feel uncomfortable around certain people, leave them. You have to make a distinction between people who care about you and people who use you. Be smart and listen to yourself. So stay away from anything that makes you go against your beliefs, your morals and your values. And just enjoy life to the fullest!

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” ~Benjamin Disraeli

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