Nerd Herd Club Research Paper

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Most schools offer a variety of activities, classes and clubs, my school offers a club called the Nerd Herd club. The Nerd Herd club is a club for people who like nerdy things. Like Anime, video games, Board games, and more. The club is easy to join and is available to join all year long. The Nerd Herd club is one of the clubs at the school. Students enjoy The Nerd Herd club because it has activities that interest people in the club. Some of these activities have to do with the topic of video games. Video games are a type of game that is made digitally. Digital games are made from little pixels which are made on computers. There are many things that people can play video games on like a computer, xbox, a playstation and other consoles. There are also many types of video games that people can choose from, people can choose from fantasy, nonfiction, science fiction, basically just like book genres. The Nerd Herd hosts a video game tournament about every quarter year of school. Everybody in the Nerd Herd talks about video games and they teach each other how to some of the video games they talk about. …show more content…

Anime comes from books called manga, which is originated in Japan. Anime is produced in many different forms like video games and books. The members in the Nerd Herd talk about Anime in every meeting. They talk about Anime that is popular around them they learn more about some of the lore or story of certain Anime by talking to one another about it. The Nerd Herd learns about Anime by reading, talking about it, and watching it. They learn more about the culture of Anime and how it is made. Anime is popular all over the world, and all kinds of people learn from the anime they watch or read. Anime is only made to entertain people and to make money, but it's doing a good job for what it's

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