Neologism In Bertolt Brecht's Theatre Of The Oppressed?

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German playwright Bertolt Brecht denounced the dramatic rubric of Aristotle,who theorized the framework of drama in his seminal text Poetics, since he replaced plot with narration. However, being more radical than Brecht, August Boal a chemical engineer by profession, conceptualizedthe framework of Theatre of the Oppressed;it was based on the pedagogy of Oppressed by Paul Fieire. In the Arena theatre of Sao Paulo, Boal never called himself a dramatist rather a practitioner of the Theatre of Oppressed, and it is an umbrella like dramatic practice, comprising of Invisible Theatre, Forum Theatre, Newspaper Theatre, and Legislative Theatre. Boal, in his book Theatre of the Oppressed, clarifies the very creed of his theater as he says: …show more content…

It is true that this learning this apprenticeship, utilizes the prevailing social structures and ethical values of each society as it is there Theatre of the Oppressed. “(Boal117)

As a trend setter Boal incorporates various innovative techniques, concepts and even forms with neologism in Theatre of the Oppressed. In Greek tragedy chorus played an important role in bringing out necessary information, even protagonist had to rely on it; American dramatists in twentieth century introduced the concept of narrators in their respective plays. In Theatre of the Oppressed, August Boal familiarized us with a new dramatic technique known as, Joker System, originating from the game of card in which joker plays a temporal role by substituting for other, misguiding players purposefully and even facilitating the tempo of the game. For Boal, appearance of new system does not arise out of vacuum rather social impetuses and prerequisites demand of such innovation, performed by dramatists. The appearance of three witches in Macbeth, a mass protest in Coriolanus, and the appearance of a ghost in Hamlet, were the needs of time, since it was essential to pacify the frenzies of Elizabethan audience; Shakespeare craft fully succeeded in inventing so. The role of

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