Nelson Mandal The Characteristics Of A Chaarismatic Leader

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The characteristics of a charismatic leader are, one who is full of self-confidence, they also have a clear vision of the goal they want to achieve, and charismatic leaders have remarkable abilities in communication. This serves to motivate workers through extreme times furthermore help them stay grounded.

One leader who showed exceptional charismatic leadership was Mahatma Gandhi, who is credited for his work till this very day. Was an Indian historical leader born October 2, 1869 he was a blessing in disguise to the Indian nation. Gandhi had achieved monumental achievements in his lifetime. One of them was “Gandhi led a 200-mile Salt March so that the people of India could make and gather their own salt. His goal was for the people of India not to buy salt from the British. The greatest accomplishment of Gandhi was
Nelson Mandala is best known for the man who stood firm and took his nation from the extremes of politically sanctioned racial segregation through to majority rule government. This is why he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1993
Nelson Mandala exemplifies a transformational leadership who motivated his follower’s to exceptional accomplishments. Mandala did this by empowering his followers inspiring them to achieve a common vision through a strong sense of determination and commitment. His ability to influence a country to follow his direction in order to achieve a goal was a really transformational.

The reason Nelson Mandala was an effective transformational leader, was he connected on a deeper level with his followers, and he showed great emotional intelligence. Being a transformational leader is being “a role model and promotes desirable behavior, thus ensuring the respect and trust of followers” (Nielsen & Munir, 2009, p. 313). Mandala was an excellent role model she showed great characteristic that everyone wanted to be like, which resonated in his

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