Neighborhood: Case Study

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Regarding the potential special assessment for a legal defense of the neighborhood, I believe some of what has transpired has been, at best, embarrassing and counter-productive, and, at worst, has redoubled the confidence of proven bullies while disrespecting the importance of being truthful with all residents. The Trustees' meeting of October 28th was a travesty and evidence of how far some residents, with the full cooperation and support of Trustees Hyman and Harvey, will go to force their will and demands on the entire neighborhood. Misconceptions, false, reckless and manipulative statements went uncorrected and unchecked. The speakers were selected or suspiciously “allowed” to speak in order to promote the agenda of those Trustees. …show more content…

It is not and has not been fair, honest, or in the best interest of all residents. Could you not have enlisted people who are regarded as honest and trustworthy to deliver, discuss and collect ballots? You have allowed an issue within this neighborhood and as regards this neighborhood's relation to the School District and the City to be usurped, apparently with your full support, by a much broader and destructive political operation. Don't you think it was and is important to be clear that the School District of University City owns the Delmar-Harvard property – not the City. No one from the neighborhood has had a productive conversation with the School District. Has anyone spoken directly and civilly to anyone at City Hall in order to understand how the City's attorneys arrived at the conclusion that the property is zoned for a parking lot. And, has anyone spoken civilly and in-depth with anyone at City Hall in an attempt to explain the concerns of some residents and to understand, as much as possible, any position the City has regarding the property? Dialogue should be pursued and exhausted with all parties before asking for money from people who don't feel what you are proposing will do them any good and will be used to satisfy the demands of only some …show more content…

The greatest distance any resident has to go to enjoy that park is 5 blocks. You have never spoken about any measure of responsibility people might feel toward the greater community in which we live. You have never spoken about what the School District might need. The feeling I have is that you are fostering a simple message of “not in my backyard.” I, for one, don't want to send that message or behave as both a privileged and entitled person. I have been told several times by several people that Mr. Hyman is telling people openly that he/we are going to “...sue the City!” That he is saying such things, makes me feel that any trustee who tells me that they hope it isn't necessary to pursue a lawsuit against the City is either being disingenuous or is being misrepresented by Mr.

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