Negative Stereotypes of Vegetarianism

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Years ago it would have been unheard of for anyone to not eat meat on a daily basis, since during one period of time it was considered a staple for some. However, meat eaters started to pay attention to what they were consuming once Upton Sinclair’s famous novel The Jungle was published in the early 1930’s. It drew so much attention that the Pure Food and Drug Act passed to prevent the unsanitary and hazardous practices mentioned in The Jungle from happening. However, before Upton Sinclair’s novel was published few were already recognizing the ethical and nutritional (in this time period) hazards that happened because of the commercial meat industry. The International Vegetarian Union was established in 1908 and was one of the first notable movements and the organization that brought the most publicity towards vegetarianism in the western world. This organization stood against the ethical, environmental, and economic effects the commercial meat industry had on our nation. Even with the founding of this organization many do not understand vegetarianism or veganism in Europe or the United States and thus discuss it negatively, but this is an event that should cease to happen. The negative discussion of vegetarianism has negative effects that should be avoided and will be discussed.

To understand negative effects one has to understand the beginnings. Ethical vegetarianism began in the early 1800’s with the first long-term modern organization to abstain from eating meat was the Bible Christian Church, led by the Reverend William Cowherd in a small town by the name of Salford, relatively near Manchester. Reverend William Cowherds infamous quote “If God had meant us to eat meat then it would have come to us in edible form, as is the ...

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