Negative Stereotypes Essay

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Since young women are being surrounded and exposed to different types of media, it also influences the identity of young women by reinforcing negative stereotypes. In Chapter 3: “Bitches and Morons and Skanks, Oh My!” of Reality Bites Back, Pozner reveals how popular reality television shows have a strong impact on today’s society by shaping the way women view things and define themselves. She also states how dating shows, like The Bachelor and Flavor of Love, often describe women as “catty, bitchy, manipulative, not to be trusted, and cannot live without a man” (pg. 97). The problem with these dating shows is that it tells young women that they need to become the most seductive and beautiful to win the guy’s heart. This also convinces the young women, who watch the show believe that they have to be manipulative and untrustworthy in order to obtain whatever they want. Because young women have been subject to these stereotypes, they also begin to make generalization and change their perceptions about other people, especially to women. Another example is the reality TV series, Keeping ...

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