Negative Friends Essay

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In the quest to become successful, you strive to become a better person in many aspects of life – your personality, discipline, time management, among others. You even set smaller goals that you can achieve daily. You keep yourself motivated via reading articles, books, and watching videos on self-improvement. One aspect that you could be overlooking is your environment- the friends that you keep. Are they negative?
Truth be told, it is no fun to spend time with negative friends. But before we delve into how to get rid of friends you consider ‘negative’, how do you identify negative friends?
The easiest way is by identifying how they make you feel. Do you feel ‘down’ after spending time with them? Anxious or afraid when they are calling or …show more content…

A negative friend however, can only have fun if they are getting wasted, is always in a crisis and needs you to help them clean up, and never chips in on the bill. You find yourself ignoring their calls and when you do pick them up, it is downright draining. You rarely seek out their company, but accommodate them when they initiate a meeting. It is not easy to cut links with such people, but it is possible.
Negative people dump their problems on you but never make any effort to change their situation. They are not supportive and shoot down your ideas, and never encourage you to take risks that will help you become a better person or more successful in life. Let us delve into how to deal with negative friends:
How much are you willing to put up in a friendship?
The first thing to ask yourself is what you are willing to put up with. The best way to think about it is thinking of the friendship as if it were a romantic relationship. Ask yourself whether you would put up with their behavior if they were your partner. If your answer is ‘no’, you have the following available options:
Set boundaries
This involves saying ‘no’ to meetings, or activities which your negative friends make miserable with their

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