Negative Essay On Homelessness

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Homelessness is an issue that affects not only the U.S but worldwide as well. There are millions of people who don 't have a home, a place to sleep or even stay. It 's heartbreaking to know this because many of us do have homes, and we don 't have to worry about whether or not we 'll get a spot in a shelter, or what to eat, so we don 't know how these victims really feel. Not all drugs addicts are homeless; this is a stereotype that has been formed in our society. Many people have simply lost their homes or families and they turn out to be homeless in the end. Some of them are even young students. Homelessness does not discriminate; it affects all ages, races, and financial stratas. Adults are not the only victims of being homeless; teens can be affected by this devastating issue as well. Since many Christian families don 't accept homosexuality, they tend to kick their children out of the house when they learn their child is gay. This leads the teen to be scared, depressed and hurting. Many …show more content…

In addition, "Homeless children are sick four times as often as middle-class children and have high rates of acute and chronic illnesses. In addition, they suffer from emotional or behavioral problems that interfere with learning at almost three times the rate of other children. Homeless children between 6 and 17 years struggle with high rates of mental health problems. For example, 47% have problems such as anxiety, depression, or withdrawal, compared to 18% of other school-age children" (Impacts of homelessness on children). However, children are not the only ones affected, dogs are

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