Negative Effects Of Social Media Essay

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Social media is a relatively new phenomenon that has overtaken society, revolutionizing everyday life for individuals across the globe. It has become a place for people to share their ideals, to meet new friends and to reconnect with old friends. Social networking sites offer people new ways to communicate via the internet, whether it is through a smartphone, laptop, tablet, and etcetera. The sites can vary from posting pictures, tweets or even 6 second videos. They allow people to create their own online profile and to create a display of contacts, often called “friends” or “followers”. The rapid growth of social networking sites in recent years has resulted in its development as a mainstream form of communication for students. Schools all around the world are using more and more technology every day. All of the new developing technology in the daily lives of students has both a positive and negative impact on education.
Many students love social media because of its wide connectivity and functions.
Social media has a very big part in today’s generation. Communication is an essential part of a student’s life when it comes to interacting and trying to find their place in society. Therefore, students use networking sites to communicate with other classmates and teachers. Examples include Facebook, Twitter, and the most popular in schools, Edmodo. Edmodo is a social network site that is very similar to Facebook. It is a great resource for communicating with your class and keeping track when you have homework. Social networking sites can help people who have a difficult time interacting with people in school, do it via the Internet. Ronnie Donn, a Neville High School teacher stated “Technology has a built-in individualized pacing mec...

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...hile a teacher is teaching they not using the full potential power of their brains to obtain the information. The amount of social media use and how it is impacting education in present day can only foreshadow an even greater impact on future generations.
Social media has impacted the lives of students from every perspective. The ability to use social media does in fact enable accessibility and communication, but does not take into account that negative effects it has on the ability to focus and its ultimate result.This underlines only a few of the many impacts social media can really have on students. Social media is a platform to interact with people, but can always easily distract you.“Distracted from distraction by distraction” -- T.S. Eliot. This quote explains how easily you can be distracted in life and how social media is a key factor pertaining to that.

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