Negative Effects Of Daisy In The Great Gatsby

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In addition, Daisy shows her selfishness when she has an affair with Gatsby. Daisy rekindles her romance with Gatsby, and does not seem to care who it might affect. The affair will hurt Tom, her daughter, Gatsby, and Nick when it ends badly. Daisy only thinks about herself, and what will make her the most happy in that moment. Daisy’s money allows her to have anything she wants, and at the moment she wants Gatsby. She does not think that the affair will leave Tom angry and hurt when he finds out. Daisy does not think what negative effect this affair may have on her daughter because it puts stress on their family. The affair leads to Gatsby getting his heart broken, and eventually dying. The affair also leaves Nick emotionally damaged, and angry. …show more content…

Daisy’s beauty and money often times allows people, like Gatsby, to overlook her selfishness. “They had forgotten me, but Daisy glanced up and held out her hand; Gatsby didn’t know me now at all” (Fitzgerald 96). This quote shows how Daisy did not really think about anybody during her affair with Gatsby. She briefly waves goodbye at Nick, and then goes back to dancing with Gatsby. She does not really care that Nick sees their affair starting. This makes it evidently clear that Daisy does not care about how the affair might affect everybody around her. Thus, proving that Daisy is selfish, and this affair will eventually leave Daisy to discard Gatsby like she does with everybody

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