Nazi Party Dbq

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Hitler and the Nazi Party had mass appeal to the Germans in the early 1930s. The Versailles Treaty caused disappointment and despair to grow in Germans over issues like reparation payments, new boundary issues, national pride, and inflation. Hitler was seen as the man of destiny who would solve all of the problems that the Germans were facing after the American market crash.
Many Germans saw Hitler as someone who would not only save them from economic and social disaster, but also restore the national pride of the Germans. “Hitler for many of us was the savior from economic and social disaster, the unifier of the German people, the man who was restoring its honor aboard and raising it again to the proper rank” states document 1. From 1933 to the end of World War II, Hitler was seen as a savior of Germans since he promised peace, prosperity, …show more content…

Based on document 4, the number of Germans who voted for the Nazi Party increased as the number of unemployment in Germany increased. The number of people who voted for the Nazi Party decreased from 1924 to 1928, but as the unemployment began to increase from 1928 to 1932, the percentage of votes in favor of the Nazi Party also increased. The Nazi Party went from having 2.6% of votes in May 20, 1928 to 33.1% of votes in November 6, 1932. Document 5 states that “seven million men and women, one third of the wage-earning, were unemployed” after 1931, which caused the middle class to be swept away. In the first year of crisis, the number of Nazi deputies to the Reichstag rose from 8 to 107, and a year later the number doubled. The author is saying that Hitler was able to attain his power legally since so many Germans began to support the Nazi Party. The middle class was hurt the most during the economic hardship in 1923. “ They had to sell their most precious belongings for ten inflated marks to buy a bit of the food or an absolutely

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