Nature Vs Nurture Research Paper

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The use of nature versus nurture has been a large debate among psychologists and has been tested on multiple occasions. The use of nature in which genes and genetics affect how people act versus nurture, where people are raised in a specific manner affect how people act. But what is truly the culprit of serious crimes in the world. Psychologists have done extensive research on cognitive psychology and the social environment and biological factors.
In a common sense, criminals aren’t born, they are raised, but mentally they can have characteristics of temper and anger issues genetically from parents that could influence their behaviors. Inherently, people’s attributes emotionally can affect their behaviors and motivations, but if taught correctly, they can control these emotions more carefully. Experience goes a long way with people, as they are taught morals and how to act in social environments and around others. Depression and other disorders that are inheritable from parents could also lead mischievous behaviors also.

Socially, when people are raised there are different types of …show more content…

Using identical twins for the study allows a control study where they are physically and mentally identical to see the effects of their growth into adults. From multiple research studies, shows researchers that if one twin is more criminally inclined, the other twin would be also. The research also shows that the twins that cause more trouble have more signs of emotional instability linking with their parents. Adopted children will also help change how they act also, as peer influences are major parts of their lives on how they will act later on. The nurture effect will take a large role in the developing process of the child on how they will behave later

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