Nature Vs Nurture Debate

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The nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest debates, and it continues today. (intro) Nature refers to the genetics of person that contribute to their behavior and nurture refers to the environment in which a person is brought up in (“Nature Nurture in Psychology”). (evidence) Those who are on the nature side believe that people’s behavior is already predetermined by genetics, while those on the nurture side believe the way someone is cared for and the environment they lived in is responsible for their behaviors. (Explanation)
This debate has been going on for several centuries, but the start of the debate can be traced back to John Locke’s essay entitled An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, written in the year 1690. (introduction) In his essay, Locke talks about his belief in a person being born as a “clean slate”. He believed that our behaviors, intelligence, and thoughts were wholly due to nurture (“Nature vs. Nurture.”). Locke’s ideas were extremely controversial for his time. (introduction) During the 18th century, most psychologists believed that behavior was innate, or already within a person, not created as …show more content…

(intro) He began his studies of nature versus nurture in 1865. He was inspired to conduct these studies upon reading a reading by his cousin, Charles Darwin, entitled Origin of Species. (“Francis Galton.”). (evidence) Like his cousin, Galton believed that superior traits were hereditary and were passed down in the process of natural selection. (explanation) Inspired by Darwin, he set out to write about his own thoughts on the debate. (intro) Galton wrote two books on the topic himself: Hereditary Genius, written in 1869, and English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture, written in 1874 (“Human Intelligence: Biological Profiles”). (evidence) Galton was actually the person who coined the saying “nature versus nurture” in the year

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