Nature Vs Nurture Essay

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“Can I consume even a miniscule amount of alcohol?” a common, yet preposterous question asked by numerous pregnant women. The common answer given by doctors is yes, you may. Many women don’t know, but according to, women who drink as little as two glasses of wine per day can adversely affect their offspring’s effectiveness at school. According to the Institute of Medicine 1996, “Of all the substances of abuse (including heroin, cocaine,and marijuana), alcohol by far produces the most neurobehavioral effects in the fetus”. Fetal alcohol syndrome is a possible outcome of drinking while pregnant. This horrid disease can cause aberrant facial characteristics, growth deficits, brain damage that results in mental retardation, hyperactivity, behavior problems, attention/memory problems, poor coordination and motor skill delays, difficulty with judgement and reasoning, heart/lung/kidney defects, and learning disabilities (What Everyone Should Know Nofas 1). Sad right? As I write this on my …show more content…

Nurture is a theory I had came across in my research to find out about Michelangelo. Nature vs. Nurture is the debate on how certain behaviors are developed within an individual. Nature explains why we do an act because of our genes; for example, someone is violent because their father/mother is “pre-wired” to be violent and they inherited that trait. Nurture would be experience(s) faced by an individual that affects their behavior ; for example, a child growing up in a household where the father beat the child. Many debate on when Nature vs Nurture starts. Some say that nurture starts as soon as conception, while others say that nurture starts when the child is born. For the sake of this paper, we will be going with the former. Fetal alcohol syndrome can only occur when a mother drinks alcohol (Nofas 1). Since it can’t be passed down by genetics, the occurrence of fetal alcohol syndrome can only be obtained through “nurture”, or as soon as the baby is

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