Nature And Nurture In Child Development Essay

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The socioemotional development stage of Joey is primarily a positive emotion bias. He has more positive than negative emotions even though he gets frustrated while participating in phonological awareness activities. Joey has developed morality while being in class. Whenever the class starts getting loud he is the first person the put his fingers on his lips showing that he is being quiet and paying attention. I unfortunately was not at Joey’s parent teacher conference but, my CMT informed me that even though she could not have direct dialect with the parents they portrayed qualities of having parental warmth towards their son and were genuinely concerned. Although we can not see what goes on in students homes we as teachers need to implement …show more content…

Nature is biological forces that affect a human. Nurture is environmental surroundings that impact development of a human. Physical impacts can contribute from both nature and nurture. In nature a student may have a disability such as, cerebral palsy this would hold the child back from participation in physical activity. In nurture a student may not be getting the proper food requirements and physical activity timed required. These may be because parents are not economically stable enough to provide fresh fruits and vegetables and not able to supervise their child while playing outside forcing them to stay in. Cognitive impacts of nature is having a learning disability such as down syndrome. Students generally will not cognitively be at the correct mental stage as other students in the classroom. Some factors that may impact children cognitively through nurture is by not interacting with the child or exposing them to language. Socioemotional nature impacts may be a child who is autistic. Autistic children generally keep to themselves and usually lack any social skills at all. Some nurture impacts may be verbal abuse. This is affecting the child emotionally and also their social skill with peers. If a child is affected by natural forces it’s our job as teachers to make sure their environment is as nurturing as possible. We need to be able to accommodate to their needs to have them excel in our

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