Police Brutality

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The reason I took this class was because I needed to get some core classes out of the way. History and Science were the only ones left so I figured why not knock it out while on break. I wasn’t expecting to learn as much information as I have over the course of these weeks. This class was very interactive and intriguing, with all of the discussion boards and facts about our government and history being tossed at us! I knew but never realized the full extent of how much the public is kept in the dark about everything that goes on in our government. I was actually discussing this class yesterday with a friend of mine and she said, “every country always tells its history in a way that makes them look superior”. The way history has always been taught to me was exactly that, America seeming like the kind hearted country that just wants freedom for all.

From the get go, this class has been enlightening me on just how much our textbooks rely on the majority (Discussion …show more content…

That is how the system is set up. White privilege is a thing. Police Brutality is a problem. The rich gets richer and the poor stay poor because each have unequal amounts of opportunities made available to them. The poor are blamed for not being successful. They don’t understand that “opportunity is not equal in America and no notion that social structure pushes people around, influencing the ideas they hold and the lives they fashion… Poor kids who get to go to the same schools as rich kids encounter teachers who expect only children of affluent families to know the right answers. This is so discouraging and disheartening to read. Apparently, social science research shows that teachers are often surprised and even distressed when poor children excel” (Lies My Teacher Told Me). How can we expect growth and prosperity from the poor if they are literally set up for

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