National Curriculum Subjects For Primary Schools

1984 Words4 Pages

National curriculum subjects for Primary schools include:
• English
• maths
• design and technology
• science
• physical education (PE)
• history
• geography
• art & design
• music
• computing
• ancient & modern foreign languages (key stage 2)
• Religious Education (non compulsory)
Teachers compile lesson plans based on the core subject areas of the curriculum. The lesson plan is a requirement of the school inspection body, Ofsted, and details what is to be learned in the session. In my placement school the lesson plans cover these areas:
1) the Assessment focus e.g. ‘I can read the time to the hour and half past the hour’
2) the introduction which is often a class activity to start off and introduce the learning topic. This will typically last 10 minutes and can involve a game, videos, role play etc.
3) the main teaching section which is the key part of the learning. It will often involve a ‘hands on’ activity for young children and will typically last 20 minutes.
4) the plenary; this is a wrap up summary of the learning topic and is used to summarise, review and check understanding. This is a whole class session and will involve questioning the children about their learning as well as answering any questions they have.
Before any lessons start, my first task is to review the plans for the week and the individual lesson plans for the day. My name will be noted in the lesson plans so I read through these and I then speak to the teacher to make sure I have understood my role correctly and to clarify any points that I am not 100% sure of. I also ask the teacher if there are particular children who may need more support during the lesson and if there is anything he/she would like me to do for more able children..
Children are all...

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...inking so that they can use their brain to work the answer out. If pairing the children up I will make sure they are of similar ability so they can help each other and one of them isn’t left behind. If I see a pair or group of children who are struggling I will explain things further to them and possibly give them a few options to consider so they can move forward. Again, as with all other subjects I will make notes if needed so I can give the teacher detailed feedback.
Review – I review the session with the whole group and encourage them to share their findings with each other. By sharing their experience it gives them all an opportunity to talk through any difficulties that they experienced and share those with each other. I will then feedback my assessment of the children to the teacher so she can factor this in to future sessions.

Question 1b (Weighting: 0)

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