Narrative Style Of Dillard

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Every Author tends to use their own version diction and storytelling. Dillard and Hayslip are not exceptions to this theme Dillard has a personal style that manifests in the text in a variety of ways. One of the ways it appears, is as her use of repetition. For example in the text she says, “It found the door, wall, and headboard; and it swiped them, charging them with its luminous glance”. Her persistent use of the word “it” draws the reader 's attention and creates questions surrounding the creature that is haunting her. She also uses repetition in her descriptive words such as; innocence and luminous. She provides emphasise to these words to ensure the reader noticed them. Another style Dillard shows is the way she uses her point of view and voice. The story is from the point of view of Dillard as a child, however the voice is of Dillard as an adult. Readers notice this distinct difference when she uses more intelligent vocabulary and descriptive words. For instance, when Dillard says,” it was transparent, luminous oblong.”(Dillard 211), she is reliving the past from the point of view of her adolescent however, it’s her adult voice when she describing. Dillard is able to express her fear as a small child, while also using sophisticated language that …show more content…

I 'm not their child, why would they yell at me? What gives them the right? Being frozen with fear, that 's what I remember about first time being scolded by a non parental figure for the first time. It was back grade school, while visiting Florida over Thanksgiving break. My dad, stepmom, two half sisters and I were there to visit my step mom 's parents who had just retired down there. By not being related to my step mom and her parents, I thought I didn 't have to listen to them or be well behaved. Even though it was their house that we were using for the week. Throughout the vacation, I was a defiant little

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